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”“Was meeting with Jong worth the obvious hard feelings it created with South Korea?” asked a journalist.“Absolutely,” replied Gwen calmly.“What if South Korea insists that the United States remove its military presence? What would the United States do?” asked a cable news reporter.“Why, we’d remove our forces,” responded Gwen. “The United States will not continue to station its military in a friendly nation that doesn’t want our protection, regardless of how close our relations may have been historically. However, if we left, North Korea would still be bordering their country. They can’t ask North Korea to leave, so asking the U.S. to do so would be very foolish; but then, so is refusing to meet with me to discuss the situation. Silence seldom resolves differing opinions.“I am trying very hard to improve relations with many nations. Having a dialogue with North Korea does not lessen our commitment to the safety and stability of South Korea. Quite the opposite, it’s my goal to. Quickly, I set to work. I grabbed a cloth from the sink in my classroom and dropped to my knees and started to scrub. Now I don’t know if any of you have ever made a similar mistake to me, but I discovered that when you rub spray paint, the little tiny droplets that individually land, spread and join together, forming a massive smudge. Sigh. I began scrubbing more furiously and in doing so, didn’t notice the doors to the corridor open. The first I became aware that I wasn’t alone, was when I noticed a black pair of size tens stood just ahead of where I was rubbing. I shut my eyes and prayed that they’d be gone when I opened them again. Sadly, no. A second look revealed the feet to be exactly where I’d left them, my gaze travelled up a pair of familiar, black trouser-clad legs (no I didn’t linger at the crotch, what kind of person do you think I am?), upwards over a very male chest in a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, to a face brimming with barely concealed amusement. At that.
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